Billy SantoroThe Body-SlamHt: 60 WT: 195lbsSeth SantoroThe TsunamiHt: 60 WT: 195lbs VS Jessie ColterCut-ThroatHt: 62 WT: 195lbsBrock AveryThe Big ShowHt: 59 WT: 175lbs This week fighting in the red corner we have Billy The Body-Slam Santoro with his partner Seth The Tsunami Santoro. Their opponents in the blue corner are Brock The Big Show Avery teaming up with Jessie Cut-Throat Colter as these four studs get ready to battle in front of a live cheering audience. Assisting Sebastian on the sidelines were happy to welcome Christian Wilde to the mat. Cut-Throat and Body-Slam start off the match, slamming each other hard as they try and tag in their teammates all to the sounds of the roaring crowd. Ruthless face sitting, hard locks and even harder cocks make each round more intense than the last until the winners are finally announced in the sex round. The losers are humiliated and dominated for everyone to see before having their asses pounded and faces covered in hot winner loads.